A SWOT analysis is a simple self-assessment planning tool that helps you understand what the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Weaknesses are of your childcare business.
It is a way to:
- Encourage strategic thinking, is a way to easily see the strengths and weaknesses of a business.
- To help anticipate threats to the business and so strategically come up with a plan to reduce or minimise impact to the business.
- It is a quick, flexible, self-assessment tool that enables critical thinking with a growth and solution focused mindset.
What the document looks like: This is in the attachments.
Strength β Strengths are things that your team does well. What traits and qualities do you have that help make your working environment a success? What makes you different from your competitors? Strength can be large or small, tangible or intangible.
Weakness β Things that hinder your performance and potentially stop it from reaching its full potential are considered a weakness. You are able to control weaknesses and as a result, reduce their impact on your work. It may be something your room/work team lacks, what other organisations do better than you.
Opportunities β Opportunities tend to be favourable external factors that give your Campus a competitive advantage on others in your area or sector. These can be tangible or intangible and can be exiting or emerging factors.
Threats β Sometimes considered out of your control such as new centres setting up, changes to legislation, attitudes of all the staff at your Campus. Just like strengths, threats can be large or small, tangible and intangible.
Steps to follow:
- Have a staff meeting and group the team up in 4 groups and the 5th group will be the leadership team.
- Each group (except the Leadership group) will have one analysis heading each.
- As a team within the small groups, answer the questions on the document as a team.
- The Leadership team will do all groups.
- Leadership to ask each group to present their analysis.
- Then as a group, put together a critical reflection analysis to ensure there is a clear understanding of what is required in each section.
- Evaluate this S.W.A.T each month in your staff night meeting.
NOTE: Please ensure you have clear intention and are solution focused as a team to create a growth mind set and continue to build a positive environment.
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