⛔ Woodlands Child Protection Information and Statement ✅

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Victoria's Reportable Conduct Scheme - An overview, please see link attached. 


Please see additional resources for ways to support the Reportable Conduct Scheme: https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/resources/reportable-conduct-scheme/#Cmr_RCS 

Child Protection Information and Statement

As a Woodlands Team Member within the Early Childhood Space, you play a vital role in protecting all children from abuse by responding to and reporting any incidents, disclosures or suspicions. You are often best placed to identify signs and behaviours that may indicate that a child has been subject to abuse, or that a community member, staff member, contractor or volunteer may be a perpetrator of abuse. It is your legal responsibility to report and disclose if you suspect, or are witness to any form of child abuse.

⛔ Action must be taken in the best interests of the child. "The child ALWAYS comes first" 

Who Can I Report?
  • all adults have mandated reporters if they form a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed against a child under 16 by someone 18 or over. Despite this, all educators and staff members who believe on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection will report abuse and neglect.
What's My Responsibility?
  • Mandatory reporters currently include teachers or early childhood teachers registered under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. You, as a Woodlands staff, must by law, report any disclosures and suspicions.
  • A person may form a belief on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection after becoming aware that a child’s health, safety or well-being is at risk and the child’s parents are unwilling or unable to protect the child.
Examples & Signs:
  • A child states that they have been physically or sexually abused.
  • A child states that they know someone who has been physically or sexually.
  • Someone who knows the child says they have been physically or sexually abused.
  • A child shows signs of being physically or sexually abused.
  • A staff member is aware of persistent family violence or parental substance misuse, psychiatric illness or intellectual disability that is impacting the child’s safety or development.
  • A staff member observes indicators of abuse, including non-accidental or unexplained injury, persistent neglect, poor care or lack of appropriate supervision.
  • A child’s actions or behaviour place them at risk of significant harm and the child’s parents are unwilling or unable to protect the child.
Child Protection Reporting Overview
  • Child First (Low to Moderate Level) Notifications of Abuse: If you have suspicions of low to moderate level abuse contact Child First 1300 475 170
  • Child Protection (Moderate Level) Notifications of Abuse: If you have suspicions of serious abuse contact Child Protection 13 12 78.
  • Police (High Level) Notification of Abuse: If you believe or suspect a child or children are in immediate danger, or there is sexual abuse involved contact the police 000
Identifying Disclosure or Suspicion
Determining what is suspicion and disclosure of harm.
  • What is a suspicion of harm? A suspicion of harm is when someone has a reasonable suspicion that a child has suffered, is suffering, or is at an unacceptable risk of suffering significant harm. Note there may be circumstances where there is a concern for a child’s welfare but it does not reach the threshold to be considered a disclosure or suspicion of harm. In this case, educators will connect families with Family and Child Connect with the family’s consent.
  • What is a disclosure of harm? Disclosure of harm occurs when someone, including a child, tells you about the harm that has happened, is happening, or is likely to happen to a child. Disclosures of harm may start with: I think I saw, Somebody told me that, Just think you should know,
    or I‘m not sure what I want you to do.
1) Suspicion of Harm Report
  • Please notify and speak with your Leadership Team immediately before submitting the form.
  • A report will be made using the following procedure, preferably on the same day there is a disclosure of suspicion of significant harm, and no later than 24 hours after the disclosure or suspicion. Please Speak with The Woodlands Campus Leadership Team Immedletay if you suspect or have witnessed any form of child abuse or require guidance. 
  • Reports will be kept confidential while the matter is investigated. Employees or volunteers must not discuss the Report with anyone who’s not involved to ensure the matter can be thoroughly and fairly investigated and the person’s reputation preserved in the event the allegation is not substantiated.
  • Child Protection Policy (QA2) To ensure all employees take their responsibility to protect children from any type of harm very seriously, understand their reporting obligations and are aware of our risk management strategy which includes practices designed to ensure the safety and well-being of children is paramount. Click Here To Acces Child Protection Policy
  • Before starting to make a report please make the Campus Managers & Assistant Managers aware of the circumstances and relevant information. This will allow the Campus or Assistant Managers to support you and oversee the process and procedure.
  • ⛔ Click Here To Access Suspicion of Harm Form: https://airtable.com/shr8LeFWNS4lRy7BN
  • Depending on the circumstances and severity will depend on which external organization is contacted and made aware of the report: Child Protection Reporting Overview
    • Child First (Low to Moderate Level) Notifications of Abuse: If you have suspicions of low to moderate level abuse contact Child First 1300 475 170
    • Child Protection (Moderate Level) Notifications of Abuse: If you have suspicions of serious abuse contact Child Protection 13 12 78.
    • Police (High Level) Notification of Abuse: If you believe or suspect a child or children are in immediate danger, or there is sexual abuse involved contact the police 000


2) Disclosure of Harm Report

  • Please notify and speak with your Leadership Team immediately before submitting the form.
  • A report will be made using the following procedure, preferably on the same day there is a disclosure of suspicion of significant harm, and no later than 24 hours after the disclosure or suspicion. Please Speak with The Woodlands Campus Leadership Team Immedletay if you suspect or have witnessed any form of child abuse or require guidance. 
  • Reports will be kept confidential while the matter is investigated. Employees or volunteers must not discuss the Report with anyone who’s not involved to ensure the matter can be thoroughly and fairly investigated and the person’s reputation preserved in the event the allegation is not substantiated.
  • Child Protection Policy (QA2) To ensure all employees take their responsibility to protect children from any type of harm very seriously, understand their reporting obligations and are aware of our risk management strategy which includes practices designed to ensure the safety and well-being of children is paramount. Click Here To Acces Child Protection Policy
  • Before starting to make a report please make the Campus Managers & Assistant Managers aware of the circumstances and relevant information. This will allow the Campus or Assistant Managers to support you and oversee the process and procedure.
  • ⛔ Click Here To Access the Disclosure of Harm Report: https://airtable.com/shrAXYo9M4vx4Dyg6
  • Depending on the circumstances and severity will depend on which external organization is contacted and made aware of the report: Child Protection Reporting Overview
    • Child First (Low to Moderate Level) Notifications of Abuse: If you have suspicions of low to moderate level abuse contact Child First 1300 475 170
    • Child Protection (Moderate Level) Notifications of Abuse: If you have suspicions of serious abuse contact Child Protection 13 12 78.
    • Police (High Level) Notification of Abuse: If you believe or suspect a child or children are in immediate danger, or there is sexual abuse involved contact the police 000

📄 Additional Attachments & Information


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