๐ŸŽถ Woodlands Kindergarten funding programs. โœ…

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Stonly visual guide: https://stonly.com/sl/2eb005e1-8a61-4883-bb60-9834e26ff077/Steps/


The Kindergarten Funding is designed to assist service providers that receive kindergarten funding from the Department of Education (the department) to deliver 3 and 4-year old kindergarten programs.

The Department of Education (the department) provides a range of funding with the aim of improving service delivery, identifying vulnerability, and promoting the participation of all children.

This funding covers 15 hours of kindergarten per week, which can be used at any approved kindergarten program in Victoria.

ใ€ฐ๏ธ Who is eligible for Free Kinder?

  • Victorian children who turn 3 years old by 30th April 2024 are eligible for the 3-year-old Free Kinder.
  • Victorian children who turn 4 years old by 30th April 2024 are eligible for the 4-year-old Free Kinder.
  • Only one service can be nominated at a time.
  • Only one year each of the 3 year old and 4 year old Kinder funding can be claimed.
  • A minimum of 2 days enrolment is require
  • Children can only receive Free Kinder funding at one service.

๐Ÿ”ต Three-Year-Old per capita (15 hours).

๐Ÿ”ด Four-Year-Old per capita (15 hours).

Children can only receive Free Kinder funding once for their Three-Year-Old Kindergarten year and once for their Four-Year-Old Kindergarten year, and this must only be claimed at one service at a time, in line with other kindergarten funding streams, it may take time for the funds to come through. Children who are eligible for a second year of kindergarten and where applicable, an exemption from the ELC has been completed if approved by the DET, you will be able to receive Free Kinder in their additional year (please see stonly guide for further information). 

Offsetting the funded kindergarten program component of parent fees for 3 and 4-year-old children enrolled at a long day care service.

Free Kinder payments will be made monthly via KIMS to service providers that are participating in Free Kinder and have accepted the funding terms and conditions


๐ŸŸข Early Start Kindergarten (ESK)

Who can apply for ESK?

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ESK. refer to page 67 for more information.
  • ESK grant for children from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.
  • ESK grant for children known to Child Protection. refer to page 67 for more information

For extended information, please see detailed kinder guide: 



๐ŸŸก School Readiness Funding (SRF)


Provides funding to enable access 80 to resources to improve outcomes for children. This is completed by the ECT and Leadership team. There are three priority areas, Communication, Wellbeing, and access and inclusion. 

Communication, Childrenโ€™s wellbeing, identity, sense of agency and capacity to make friends is connected to the development of communication skills and strongly linked to their capacity to express feelings and thoughts and to be understood. (VEYLDF p.22).

Wellbeing encompasses good mental and physical health, including attachment, positive affect and self-regulation, being able to manage emotions productively and build resilience and persistence, being adaptable and confident and experiencing feelings of satisfaction and happiness. (VEYLDF p.20)

Access and Inclusion is the active response by early childhood professionals to understand all childrenโ€™s and familiesโ€™ experiences and childrenโ€™s individual capabilities. It is important to recognise and nurture each childโ€™s sense of belonging to their family, community and early yearsโ€™ settings. (VEYLDF p.12).

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Please see extended guide on SRF: https://woodlandsteam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8280209404431--School-Readiness-Funding-SRF


๐ŸŸฃ Second year of funded Four-Year-Old Kindergarten

In exceptional circumstances where a child is observed to display delays in key outcome areas of learning and development, a second year of funded Four-Year-Old Kindergarten may be considered in the best interest of the child: โ€ข the kindergarten program is deemed to be the most appropriate learning program and environment for that individual child โ€ข the child will achieve better outcomes at kindergarten than if they go to school.

Please see extended guide on Second year of funded Four-Year-Old Kindergarten: https://woodlandsteam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7380348195471-Second-year-of-funded-4-year-old-Kindergarten



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