Annual confirmation process.
This happens in March.
The Annual Confirmation process has been designed to flow in a systematic way to allow you to review the data that you have already entered, make any changes and then progress to the next step.
Please see visual stonly guide to complete the process:
Mid-Year Review.
Services are asked to complete a mid-year review survey in each cycle. This process provides a mid-cycle opportunity for services to reflect on how the implementation of the SRF plan is going, to make any changes required due to unexpected circumstances, and to assess and communicate the likelihood of an underspend.
- The mid-year review also enables the Department to pre-empt any risks of significant underspend and put measures in place to support services to pivot and reduce that risk.
- This process must be completed for every service, and the service provider is responsible for endorsing the mid-year review survey before submitting to the local ECIB.
Overview of the Mid-Year Review process:
Note. You will be notified when this process must be completed.
1. Log into KIMS (the link to the system can be found on this webpage: Kindergarten Information Management System
2. Go to the Plan tab
3. Go to the Mid-Year Review tab
4. Confirm that you are ready to proceed to the Mid-Year Review Survey
5. Complete the relevant questions on the survey
Once completed, the survey will be submitted to the Service Provider Approver for review, who will review and submit to the department.
Important for completing the Mid-Year Review Survey:
- Please attempt each question.
- All questions marked asterisk must be answered.
- The survey must be completed in one sitting.
End of Year Acquittal.
- Services are required to acquit the SRF allocation each year. This provides the Department with oversight of SRF expenditure in line with the funding intent to ensure services have accessed and received appropriate supports during the year.
- Service providers are best placed to nominate who should complete the end of year acquittal for each service, and this may be more than one person. This may be completed by a business manager, centre director, early childhood teacher or a combination of staff.
- This process must be completed for every service, and the service provider is responsible for endorsing the end-of-year acquittal before submitting to the Department.
- Visual guide for SRF End of Year Acquittal:
Additional resources:
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