🏘️ Family grouping βœ…

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What is family grouping?

Family grouping happens in the morning and of a night, generally because this supports the ECE ratio, as not all Educators have started when the Campus opens, not all Educators are here until the Campus closes, and we have no control over the drop of and pick up times that families require. 

When does this happen?

Family grouping happens once the Campus opens; either 6.30am or 7.00am until 8:00am/8:30am. Only push it to 8:30am if the campus don't have enough staff.  

Once a room has reached its β€˜room capacity’ then you need to do indoor/outdoor or open a second room.

Please remember Leadership are able to support from 7.30am-9am (or when needed) if it is needed through family grouping times.

What happens in family grouping?

  • Breakfast, choice of toast, with Vegemite or butter, or weetbix. Breakfast is set up on ONE table and only once it has started.
  • Learning still needs to happen through family grouping: There needs to be learning experiences set up on the table, for example, play-dough, Texas, crayons, building blocks.

The importance of family grouping:

An important feature of a successful family grouped program is the understanding that everyday routines, as well as experiences or activities, are not only possible but can be beneficial for children and more interesting for the staff.

That language development occurs very well in mixed age groups where children act as role models. Social and emotional development occurs appropriately in a family grouped setting. New children settle more easily and feel secure with help from siblings, and older children.


With the family grouping rooms, it is EVERYONE'S responsibility to tidy up before transitioning into your rooms.


Respect everyone's room, like you would want your room to be respected.


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